Be careful when kissing somebody especially when you can't see the person. Who know he may not the person who you though they should be. Perhaps they is not he...but "it". Funny video collection.
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Laugh Challenge Funny Video
I found that there are lots of japanese funny videos. Their video commercial are also funny. Here is your hint, can you hold your laugh for things that make you laugh?
McDonald's French Fries Commercial Video
Are willing to sacrifice your body for a McDonald's french fries? What do you think is this comercial video ads? Is it funny enough?
Teacher - Student Funny Jokes Series 02

William: "K-R-O-K-O-D-A-I-L"
Teacher: No, that's wrong
William: Maybe it's wrong, but you asked me how I spell it!
Teacher: What is the chemical formula for water?
Eddie: "HIJKLMNO"!!
Teacher: What are you talking about?
Eddie: Yesterday you said it's H to O!
Teacher: Jonny, go to the map and find North America.
Jonny: Here it is!
Teacher: Correct. Now, class, who discovered America?
Class: Jonny!
Teacher: Brock, name one important thing we have today that we didn't have ten years ago.
Brock: Me!
Teacher: Ash, why do you always get so dirty?
Ash: Well, I'm a lot closer to the ground than you are.
Germans are also NOT stupid Funny Video
Another video on we are not stupid funny video series. Fun is fun but never make your self look stupid like that. It alright to watch other people funny video, but please take a lesson from it. Knowledge is important.
Teacher - Student Funny Jokes Series 03

Brian: Because of the sign.
Teacher: What sign?
Brian: The one that says, "School Ahead, Go Slow."
Teacher: In this box, I have a 10-foot snake.
Smith: You can't fool me, Teacher... snakes don't have feet.
Teacher: How can you prevent diseases caused by biting insects?
John: Don't bite any.
Teacher: Lily, give me a sentence starting with "I".
Lily: I is...
Teacher: No, Lily. Always say, "I am."
Lily: All right... "I am the ninth letter of the alphabet."
Teacher: If I had seven apples in one hand and eight apples in the other what would I have?
class: Big hands!
Not Funny But Stupid Advertisement
Is this commercial video ad suppose to be funny? I don't think so, I think it rather stupid. Some advertisements are using woman as decoy to increase their ad viewer. I wonder if there are woman think this ad is funny.
Teacher - Student Funny Jokes Series 01

Susan: Seven!
Teacher: No, listen carefully again. If I give you two hamsters and two hamsters and another two hamsters, how many hamsters have you got?
Susan: Seven!
Teacher: Let's try this another way. If I give you two strawberries and two strawberries and another two strawberries, how many apples have you got?
Susan: Six.
Teacher: Good. Now if I give you two hamsters and two hamsters and another two hamsters, how many hamsters have you got?
Susan: Seven!
Teacher: How on earth do you work out that three lots of two hamsters is seven?
Susan: I've already got one hamster at home now!
Spot The Different Between Them

Parent - Children Funny Jokes Series 01

Father: I think so. What do you want me to write?
James: Your name on this report card.
Mother: Why on earth did you swallow the money I gave you?
Junior: You said it was my lunch money.
Parent - Children Funny Jokes Series
British are also NOT stupid Funny Video
This another funny video I found. Take a lesson from this funny video. Knowledge is important. So be serious when study. (^_^)
Americans are NOT stupid Funny Video
This is one funny video guys but you should take a lesson from this funny video. General knowledge is also important. Don't make yourself become like this. From now on you should serious when study. It alright to be funny guy sometimes but don't fool yourself.
Parenting Advise For New Mom And Dad
Taking care of first children might be difficult especially for new mom and dad. How about today we learn how to take care of first children the funny patenting guide way. Enjoy your learning from this funny pictures.

See! Afterall learning the funny parenting guide way is worth of your time.

See! Afterall learning the funny parenting guide way is worth of your time.
Funny Facts About Scotland Video
Funny facts what you should know about Scotland. Lets hear this funny guys talking about Scotland.
Funny Commercial Video 01
Watch this funny commercial video I found. The guys have done a great job combined these hilarious commercial ads together. Enjoy your laugh over this funny video.
Large Mysterious Fish Eats Duck!
This is one strange video I tell you. Have you ever see a fist eat a duck? How in the world this weird animals got in the lake? Believe me.... watch the duck closely and you will never believe your own eye.
We Found Real Sponge Bob!

We have found the real spongebob squarepant, buy spongebob squarepants dvd from us and we will deliver this extra gift to you for free of charge.